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Behind every creative endeavour exists a more profound concept.  A concept without which any community will shrivel up and die.The arts remind us of our power to create and innovate.


The act of creation is the essence of our purpose as beings and is essential to our progress as a society. Imagine what the world would be like if we just stopped creating—and we mean everything, from the development of new dance works to the implementation of new office filing systems.


The clear and unalienable truth is that creation and creativity is everywhere and when it stops, we too, will stop.

Unfortunately, many of us are yet to realise that exposure to arts and culture is not an option – it is a necessity. Tradition, culture and the arts are catalysts that help blossom the full potential of people and communities, and lead us like a magical divining rod directly to our power to create and inspire change.


And its applications are not limited to traditional creative pursuits such as a theatrical production or a masterful painting. Indeed, a child exposed to the arts may apply her acquired skills in creativity and self-expression to develop a vaccine for AIDS or to initiate a revolutionary world policy that leads to a more peaceful planet.


We at Sugam Karnatica strongly believe that the arts are not superfluous to society; instead it is the underlying force that propels it forward. Exposure to arts and culture elevate individuals to a higher place and help develop in them an increased innate ability to multitask, added empathy in work, renewed vision through the lenses of creativity and a constant drive for innovation, amongst other positive traits. 


Arts and culture are not only notable, but also crucial tools for a holistic existence, and we at Sugam Karnatica are passionate about leading the way in providing education in arts and culture for the constantly evolving new generation of this country.




Arts and culture for a better world.




To provide affordable and quality education in the arts and creativity to contribute in developing an innovative nation.


Core Values


          S . P . I . C . E

          Service . Passion . Integrity . Creativity . Excellence



Our Pillars: Arts. Culture. Education



Our mission is championed through 3 pillars – ARTS. CULTURE. EDUCATION




The perception that the arts are unimportant little ‘extras’ is erroneous, to say the least. Yet many have been misled into believing that the arts do not extend beyond the aesthetic value of a beautiful melody, a good use of colour, or a stellar performance.


In reality, the arts is above and beyond this. It is not only the solution to discovering one’s own rich potential, but also the source of a community’s collective development. It is through the arts, be it through song, dance, drama or any other form of creative expression that our potential to create and innovate is developed, especially at a young age.


We recognise the importance of arts education in contributing to local and global awareness of cultural, economic, environmental and humanitarian concerns. We believe in arts education for sustainable development. We advocate for the role that arts educators and artists can have in educating for sustainable development in formal, informal and non-formal education contexts.




Culture is a bond that ties people of a region or community together. A community develops an identity, a character and personality of its own, because of the culture of its people.


Handed down from generation to generation, it is the customs, traditions, festivals, clothing, cuisine, and most importantly, the cultural values they adhere to, that bind the members of a community together and form the founding principles of one’s life, influencing one’s principles and philosophies of life and impacting one’s social relevance.




The essential role of education in a community cannot be underestimated. It uplifts the community, drives the economy, and improves lifestyles. It helps individuals chart new and extraordinary paths and elevates society in general to a higher economic standing.


Perhaps most importantly, education is the tool with which we can empower young people to unleash their truest potential.Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is value based education that encourages students to think and act in the best interest of society. 


Our objective is to equip children with the necessary skills and knowledge to act responsibly for a sustainable future. ICH can be used as an underlying creative, interactive and adaptive force that can be a basis for setting directions and building common commitments towards sustainable development.  The incorporation of the values and practices of ICH into education, is ESD in action.

We’d love to hear from you!



Monday- Closed

Tuesday-Sunday 09:00am - 06:00pm



© Copyright 2023. All Rights Reserved - Sugam Karnatica                                                                                                     



Sugam Karnatica Arts Academy Sdn. Bhd. (1151067-V)
Lot 11, Petaling Utama Avenue,
Jalan PJS 1/50, Taman Petaling Utama,
46150 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
Tel: +603 7772 6555
Mobile/SMS/WhatsApp: +012 308 9356



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